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Welcome to the
Natural Bridge SWCD

To represent the public providing local leadership in the conservation of natural resources.


To be a productive and cooperative entity meeting the conservation needs of our district, acting in harmony with the environment.


The purpose of the SWCD is to give citizens the structure and the capability to solve conservation problems at a local grassroots level.  The idea of forming local conservation districts grew out of public concern for the conditions of our Natural Resources in the early 1930’s.  Poor farming practices, abuse of farmland, and unusually harsh weather caused massive soil erosion. The incentive for such problem solving began with the Dust Bowl/Depression era when people began to realize that land and water were precious resources to be carefully managed. 


The Natural Bridge SWCD joins 47 other Soil and Water Conservation Districts across the state of Virginia, and similar districts nationwide.

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About Us


The Natural Bridge Soil and Water Conservation District was formed in 1939 and is the fourth oldest district in the state. A soil and water conservation district is a governmental subdivision of the state which is responsible for conservation work within it’s boundaries.  The purpose of this subdivision is to focus attention on land, water, and related resource problems.  Soil and Water Conservation Districts enlist and coordinate help from public and private sources to deal with local conservation issues and provide technical expertise to assist the community in protecting its natural resources. 




NATURAL BRIDGE Soil and Water Conservation District programs, activities and

 employment opportunities are available to all people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability,

national origin or political affiliation.  An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer

© 2017 Natural Bridge SWCD.

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